17. July, 2018

REF project team has held 14 info-meetings for young Roma across Serbia

REF project team has held 14 info-meetings for young Roma across Serbia

In order to promote the employability of young Romani men and women, the Roma Education Fund Representative Office offers various certified vocational trainings and courses, as well as internship programs in state institutions, public and private companies in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. In order to get as many young people as possible to attend vocational trainings, courses and internship programs, the Roma Education Fund Representative Office in the past six months held information meetings in 14 cities, where more than 300 young Romani men and women took part. During each informative meeting, young people are interviewed about their interests, skills they possess and acquired education, and in accordance with this, they select the vocational training or course they will attend or the internship program they will participate in. So far, 192 young people have successfully completed some of the professional trainings and courses, and 23 of them have completed the internship program. 61 users are currently attending or waiting for the start of the vocational training and course, and the 46 are currently participating in an internship program.
